Thursday, May 8, 2008


Let me start by saying this, I don't believe in Karma. Wikipedia defines Karma as the concept of "action" or "deed" in Indian religions understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect (i.e., the cycle called samsara) described in Hindu, Jain, Sikh and Buddhist philosophies. My friend asked recently if she was going to loose something because things seemed to be going so well. Since I don't believe in a karmic universe that gives and takes away I said no. I believe in the Christian principle of "do unto others." And also as Garth Brooks wrote about so eloquently, unanswered prayers are really just God's way of saying he has another plan.

So why this talk about Karma if I don't believe in it. Well yesterday I got two awful e-mails. The first from Miss Peach telling me all about how she works so hard to keep the peace and we need to get along, but I need to change some things about the way I mother my children. Here is my favorite line "I am not making a threat to you, but if things do not get better, there are departments within the state this subject matter can be brought up with." Seriously! For the record just because you say something isn't a threat doesn't make it any less a threat.

Also for the record I asked around to my friends and the kid's teachers if the issues to which she referred were actual problems for my kids, each person assured me they would be happy to tell any investigator I do a good job as a mother, and her issues are unfounded. My lawyer assured me if Miss Peach did try to go to any authorities and I have all these other people to back me up that she would simply come across as what she is, a spiteful new wife. So I responded to her lengthy e-mail with the following sentence "I appreciate you expressing your concerns." And let that one go.

Then I got an e-mail from Mr. Wrong telling me everything I am doing wrong in raising Chandler. Basically I should give Chandler whatever he wants, so that he will like me. I don't need Chandler to like me, I need him to respect me. Since Mr. Wrong doesn't respect me, it's hard for me to accept when he tells Chandler to respect me. This must be one of those "do as I say, not as I do lessons." Oh and he also spent three paragraphs telling me how Chandler thinks I'm dating and lying to him about it. (I have already admitted to you the flowers thing and the intentional misleading of my children but what Mr. Wrong was talking about is having friends help with my lawn mower. Married friends, in fact they are husbands of my friends, and EEEEWWW!!) Now Mr. Wrong "doesn't care" that I'm dating and he spent half the e-mail telling me that. Ummm, me thinks he doeth protest to much, but moving on. I didn't even respond to the e-mail. What can you say? Mr. Wrong and Miss Peach think I'm a bad mother, I can't even justify a response.

No reply. Higher road taken. And then this morning I opened my e-mail. Want to know what was there? A good e-mail. A balance out the universe, Karma was smiling on Karen e-mail. These are the moments I like the high road. Like I am constantly working on being the person people want to be friends with. I like the new me, the single me, the happy me, seriously.....

More on Karma coming but this is getting long.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah yes...I do remember those days. CPS calling to say that my munchkin was being molested a daycare (a lie)... Being threatened to be taken to court to show them what a bad mother I am... Memories... Oh those misty water-colored memories...

Simply let them know that their manipulation of the kids is ABUSIVE and that YOU should report THEM. It won't stop because they're just bad people, but you'll have less involvement.
