Friday, December 21, 2007

He could. go. all. the. WAY.......

Is it crazy how excited I am to be in the fantasy football playoffs? I mean I won 2 of my regular season games in The League of Extra-Ordinary Mules by less than 1 point. One game against Melanie and the other against The Mutated Arm Bandits. The manager of the Arm Bandits is the moderator of the league, and also Melanie's brother. Or maybe the fact that I'm so excited to be in the playoffs is really just a reflection that someone actually invited me to play in a league in the first place. I spent so many years living in the shadows that I forgot that I had my own interests.

Sports. I love baseball and football. I am one of those girls that when her brothers go outside after a big family dinner to play I go too. Growing up I was a Cowboys fan, that lasted until Jerry Jones turned my team into a team of felons. So naturally I turned to the Patriots. I was on the Bledsoe is the Man bandwagon until he got hurt and in one of the greatest twists in football history the 2nd string quarterback was not only HOT, he could play!

But mostly I love the Red Sox. It started when I was sitting on the beach in Westport and my Uncle David says, "Nobody actually LIKES the Red Sox" as we are listening to the game on a little transister radio. It used to be said that no one knows disappointment like a Red Sox fan, "they'll break your heart." But you know the story, down 3-0 in the Division Series, my boys staged the greatest comeback ever. Yes, I'll be telling the story of the bloody sock to my grandkids. I was there as the duck boats rolled through the streets of Boston celebrating the World Series victory.

So I am a Red Sox fan and a Patriots fan. My brother TigBom might be the best source of New England sports trivia, if nothing else his blog will make you laugh. Did I mention Tom Brady was my fantasy football quarterback and that he singlehandedly kept me in the win column? Seriously, Boston sports fans are smiling - who'd have thought it?


Melanie said...

Ok, Brady's been awesome, but don't forget your defense - also New England. You got lucky in the draft, and NE got lucky this season. Next year, this will not happen.

(also, it wouldn't let me comment with my new wordpress blog ID, only my old Blogger one - BOO).

n8 said...

Glad you had fun in the league. You have to come back next year!!