Saturday, January 26, 2008

Champagne Weekend

On my calendar at home I can't just write my plans because Mr. Wrong looks at it, so I give my plans code names. This weekend is Champagne Weekend because Melanie and I decided I'd come visit shortly after New Years, and since I didn't have a drop to drink on New Years it was decided we'd have champagne this weekend. So we toasted Mr. Wrong's new marriage and my new life.

I'm going to be fine. Not just fine, great. I'm going to be great. Most of the time I actually believe it.

We also went to see 27 Dresses and it was really cute. I really recommend you go see it, Katherine Heigl is a great actress and James Marsden is HOT! It was really good for the eternal optimist in me. People fall in love, they get married, they do the hard work to stay married.

But I watched another movie this weekend with the line "Every woman has the exact love life she wants." The main character keeps saying that isn't true, she doesn't want to be miserable. The misery was inflicted on her by her jerky fiance. But that was a couple of years ago. It was time to move on.

And it's time for me to move on. Not start dating but to quit blaming Mr. Wrong for the misery in my life. I don't want to be miserable. I want to get out, do things. I want to go out to dinner with friends, have plans for the Superbowl, have a party for Caroline's first birthday. So it's time for me to quit waiting for things to happen to me, it's time to go out and make them happen.

Stop waiting, start acting. Seriously.

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