Thursday, January 3, 2008

In with the new....

I know, I know it's January 3rd, I intended to post my New Year's ambitions on the 1st. But I am a world class procrastinator, I always have been. You would think working on that would be on my resolutions list - it's not. I've got much more important stuff on the list...

1- Lose weight. I think it's obligatory that you start resloutions lists with either lose weight or quit smoking. (Since I quit smoking when I found out I was pregnant with Chandler, that's out.) But honeslty I am on weight watchers and in the process of losing these extra pounds. I'm aiming for a pound per week. I'll let you know how it's going in a month.

2- Write a book. Now I have already written one, that NONE of you will ever read, well except Melanie my unofficial editor. This years book is a romance novel. Because you know what they say about those who can't do....

3- Figure out why I stayed with Mr. Wrong for 10 years. I mean honestly 10 years and 4 kids (plus 2 illegitame step children). Why did I stay? I keep asking the people around me but until I figure it out there is no way I can start dating again. And I'd like to date again.

That's it, my 3 completely attainable New Year's ambitions.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I love it. I need to do my resolution post too. So many things to write about, so little . . . oh, who am I kidding? I totally have the time; I'm just lazy.

I love that new pic!